WooCommerce Mailchimp Discount helps you to easily make your MailChimp list healthy by providing a one time discount when someone subscribes to your mailchimp list. This plugin automatically adds a MailChimp subscription popup to your website which can be used to capture the Emails and when the user successfully subscribed to your list then he gets a coupon code.
Whenever a new user signups for your newsletter the plugin automatically generates a coupon code based on the admin settings and email it to the registered email id.
Its proven that this plugin helps you grow your newsletter signup by 25 – 50%.
You must log in to submit a review.
Requires at least: 5.4
Tested up to WordPress version: 6.7
Requires PHP: 7.4 or Higher
Stable Tag: 4.0
Version: 4.0(4th Nov 23)
* Fixed: Mailchimp list fetching issue.
* Fixed: Popup form subscription issue.
Version: 3.9
* Fixed: Exclude product fatal error issue.
* Added: readme file.
* Code indentation
Version: 3.8(14th Nov 20)
* bug fixed optin option
* bug fixed for coupon options
Version 3.7( 2nd April 20 )
* Issue fixed Coupons exceeding the limit
* Add aria-labelledby to the subscribe form
Version 3.6( 20th Feb 20 )
* Added new admin dashboard design
* Add product variations in the coupon
* Fixed mail issue when the user has been subscribed
* Fixed popup overlay opacity issue
* Added error notice when api key has not been setup
Version 3.5( 10th September 19 )
* Fixed MailChimp merge tags with languages
* Fixed issue with WPML shortcode content
Version 3.4( 6th September 19 )
* Added functionality for Mailchimp API validation
* Get Mailchimp audience id automatically
* Add webhook automatically
* Add option to show popup on selected pages
* Added filter hook for extra fields
* Added functionality where admin can set whether to use existing coupons or create coupons dynamically
* Fixed test email feature
* Fixed shortcode css issue
* Added bunch of new animations for the popup
* Fixed coupon roles issue
Version 3.3(17th Dec 18)
* Fixed issue for selected category in the coupons
Version 3.2(10th Nov 18)
* Fixed issue for wp_mail
* Added ajax for product and exclude products option
Version 3.1(11th Oct 18)
* Added option to set roles for assigning coupons
Version 3.0(9th Oct 18)
* Added options framework for the plugin settings
* Added hooks for custom fields
Version 2.8(6th Sep 18)
* Issue fixed for email from name and email from
* Made sanitize user inputs
* Fixed Coupon validation with WooCommerce 3.4
Version 2.7(4th Sep 18)
* Fixed Coupon validation with WooCommerce 3.4
Version 2.6(10th Aug 18)
* Fixed issue for email id compare when restrict email option is enabled
Version 2.5(14th May 18)
* Made functionality to add a message for invalid email id from plugin settings
Version 2.4(8th May 18)
* Made functionality for the timer to set redirect to another page after successful redirect
* Optimised code
Version 2.3(30th April 18)
* Made functionality for redirecting to another page after successful redirect
* Fixed compatibility issue for the latest version of wordpress and woocommerce
* Fixed issue for sending confirmation email from mailchimp even user is already register
* Optimized code for faster loading
Version 2.2(9th Dec 17)
* Fixed compatibility issue for categories with WooCommerce 3.2.5 and WordPress 4.9
added functionality where admin can show/hide checkbox like terms and condition in the frontend
* added functionality for admin to set checkbox text label for the checkbox
* added functionality for admin to set error message for checkbox validation
* added functionality where admin can set color for checkbox label text
Version 2.1(12th April 17)
* Fixed compatibility issue with WooCommerce 3.0.0
* Mailchimp source signup merge fields added
* Added feature for mailchimp signup success text color, background color
* Added feature for mailchimp signup error text color, background color
* Added feature for enable/disable popup on mobile device
Version 2.0.2(15th March 17)
* Mailchimp API 3.0 implemented
* Language merge vars added from code
* Show coupon code on response in single optin
Version 2.0.1(12 JULY 16)
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 2.6.x.
* Fixed shipping issue for this plugin
Version 2.0 (22 JUNE 16)
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 2.6.x.
* Fixed translation issues.
* Fixed issues with email body formatting.
* Added option to translate admin option texts using WPML.
Version 1.9 (9 MARCH 16)
* Fixed issue with source merge tag.
* Added check for existing emails on mailchimp from other sources.
* Added admin option to enable popup only on homepage.
* Added admin option to specify an email as a test email.
Version 1.8.1 (28 JAN 16)
* Fixed incompatibility issue with woocommerce 2.5.x
Version 1.8 (22 DEC 15)
* Added ability to trigger the popup using any button or link.
* Added the ability to turn off the discount feature and use it as a simple MailChimp subscription.
Version 1.7 (15 OCT 15)
* Updated popup from custombox to magnific popup.
* Updated popup animation list.
* Added option for hinge close effect.
* Added option to specify a color for the close button.
* Added option to close popup on overlay click.
* Added option to automatically close popup on successful subscription.
* Added option to only allow the logged-in user to apply the coupon code if the coupon is restricted to only subscribed users.
* Bug Fix: Exit Intent issue.
* Bug Fix: Popup HTML output on the latest version of WooCommerce.
Version 1.6 (21 SEPT 15)
Added ability to restrict email.
* Added ability to change coupon expiry date format from admin.
* Bug Fix: Minimum discount.
* Bug Fix: Double optin multiple coupons.
Version 1.5 (26 AUG 15)
* Added support for double opt-in.
* Added option to set a coupon prefix for the coupon codes generated through the plugin.
* Added option to set the coupon length.
Version 1.4 (05 MAY 15)
* Added source merge tag to segment list based on merge tag.
* Added support for lower version of PHP
Version 1.3 (29 MAR 15)
* Added WooCommerce 2.3.x support.
* Added support for WooCommerce mailer to send emails if using WooCommerce 2.3.x.
* Added exit intent option for the popup display.
Version 1.2 (15 FEB 15)
* Fixed issues with Internet Explorer.
* Added layout support to the shortcode.
Version 1.1 (09 FEB 15)
* Added shortcode support.
* Added admin option to define cookie length.
* Added admin option to disable the popup.Version 1.0 (01 FEB 15)
- Initial public release.