WordPress custom Taxonomy & Category Pages lets you present your Taxonomy and Category pages the way you want to present them. You can create any layout you want to and make your pages as a regular page and look more prominent. Once the selection of layout is done, you can upload it to your regular page and assign it to taxonomy and category page.

A site always needs an enhancement and also a fresh and a new look. Give your site the SEO boost which will be beneficial in giving your Users the best experience ever. WP Custom Taxonomy & Category Pages works with any of the themes and plugins including: WooCommerce, WooCommerce Brands, Easy Digital Downloads, WP Ecommerce, Yoast SEO, All in One SEO and many more.

The Benefits of WP Custom Taxonomy & Category Pages Plugin:

  • Build your category page as per your desire
  • Create content rich category pages
  • Get more traffic by improving SEO and rank of your category pages
  • Enhance the user experience when they access category pages
  • Increase shopping conversions with category pages that have images, products and content
  • Reduce bounce rate by including useful information on taxonomy and category pages
  • Compatible with all themes and shopping carts including Woocommerce/WP Ecommerce/Easy digital downloads and any other custom taxonomy your theme or plugin might have
  • Helps you to easily upgrade your default regular pages to custom created Taxonomy pages
  • Enhances the marketing rate of the products and the corresponding website


  • Works out of the box without any coding.
  • Gives a new look to the regular pages with new features.
  • Tested with visual composer and some  other page builder. So you can easily design your category pages using visual composer.
  • Includes predefined short codes.
  • Allows you to style every category page differently.
  • Provides better navigation facility and features.
  • Provides 1 year of free support and updates.
  • Easily change your default boring looking category pages to some cool interactive category page.
  • Works out of box with all 3rd party plugins like WooCommerce/Easy Digital Downloads/WP Ecommerce/Ithemes Exchange and any other plugin which uses custom taxonomy or wordpress categories.
  • Works will all popular SEO Plugins including Yoast SEO/All in One SEO plugin.


This plugin comes with a shortcode which is basically used to display the link to view all the products of the current category.

[wptcp_view_all] - This shortcode accepts one parameter which is basically the text of the view all products link. The shortcode with the text parameter looks like this

[wptcp_view_all text="View all posts under news"] 

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WordPress Custom Taxonomy & Category Pages

WordPress custom Taxonomy & Category Pages lets you present your Taxonomy and Category pages the way you want to present them. You can create any layout you want to and make your pages as a regular page and look more prominent. Once the selection of layout is done, you can upload it to your regular […]

  • Quality checked
  • Premium support upto 1 year
  • Update upto 1 year
Technical Details:

Requires at least: 5.4
Tested up to WordPress Version: 6.7
Requires PHP: 7.4 or Higher
Stable Tag: 1.3

Version 1.3 (17th Sep 2018) - 
 - Fixed version issue
 - Minor code optimisation
Version 1.2 (17th Sep 2018)
  - Added support for elementor and divi page builder
Version 1.1
  - WooCommerce category url fixing
Version 1.0
  - Initial public release.

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